Thursday, 13 March 2008

Terry Pratchett's Approach to Alzheimers

Heard Terry Pratchett on the Today programme this morning, talking about his early onset Alzheimers diagnosis and the issues he has with funding into research to find a cure. Currently there is no cure but he says if you're going to get it, he's got the best type you can have.

He's obviously facing it with courage and a sharp wit but there's nothing funny about Alzheimers. Clive's dad Peter contracted the disease in his early fifties, much like Mr Pratchett, but didn't have the benefit of Aricept back then. It was a long drawn-out illness that waited 15 years to take him and his family grieved for him so many times before the night he eventually died, 29th December 2006.

As a multi-millionaire author, Terry Pratchett is in the fortunate position of being able to donate half a million pounds to the Alzheimer's Research Trust. We can't match that but with your help, we can raise essential thousands towards fighting this disease that will claim one in three of us over the age of 65. That could be you or someone you love.

Copy paste the link to read, hear and watch what Terry Pratchett had to say. Click on the JustGiving widget to make your pledge.

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