Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Home is getting much closer

Left Berlin after breakfast on the terrace, 24degress at 8a.m. destination Prague. Although the Satnav might have European maps it doesn't understand German roads, however Eastern Europe and the Czech Republic was non existant on our electronic map, so on to manual map reading and swerving around the streets of Prague. We arrived and lunched al fresco. We managed to avoid trams, Police and rush hour and onwards back to Germany. We passed through Babylon! (Google it!!!). Staying at a small B+B in Regensburg tonight courtesy of the Marriot Group. Had one of the best burgers ever on the terrace. So in conclusion three meals outside today, some amazing sights, many many miles and six capitals under our belt. Many thanks for the messages of encouragement and continued donations. Heading for Switzerland tomorrow and the winding mountain roads.

Dave running on the tram lines and fumes (no petrol stations in central Prague)

Views of Prague

Away from straight motorways at last
A bloggers eye view of the trike pilots helmet
We're on a road to nowhere

Another motorway picture Berlin to Prague via Dresden - Using "the force" as navigation.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully my art will be of interest.
Ping Desktop / Laptop Wallpapers
Peter Ingestad, Sweden

Unknown said...

Awesome effort guys, hopefully you're having a lot of fun and that support is growing.
This is Jonny by the way, Adam put me on to your blog, the idea is pretty cool, very much like A Long Way Down.
Anyways, keep up the good work, I'll be making a donation once payday drops at the end of the month.
Take it easy.

Sponsor the G8 Global Tour

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